Friday, August 7, 2009

Chuck Season 3 is officially in production!

August 6th, 2009.

Production for season 3 has commenced. Great news! Now, if only we didn't have 7 months until the premiere.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chuck vs. The Intersect (aka the Pilot)

This is where it all began. Not to mention it took me a year and a freakin half to actually watch it? For Christ's sake, I had saved about 3/4 of the first season on my dvr and I never got around to watching them. Well, shame on me. So if you are curious have a looksee. Remember the first one's free.

Are you ready to get Chucked?

Welcome to "Oh, Chuck Me" the blog about NBC's Chuck. Out of nowhere this little show has stolen my heart and catapulted to the top of my favorite show lists in a matter of months.

Yes, I was slow to catching on. I actually didn't get addicted until the second half of this season. Believe me it didn't take long for me to catch up but I did and am now a full fledged Chuckaholic.

I will need to find a way to deal with the 10 month drought until Season 3 premieres in March 2010. One way is to have this blog which I can hope to fill with little Chuck related tidbits till then.

I will post news, notes, reviews, links regarding Chuck. It's simply an outlet for my sickness.

I hope you will be entertained.